Nursing strike is your baby’s refusal to take the breast or loss of interest in
the breast after several minutes of breastfeeding. It often begins after seven
months of age, when your baby figures she/he can have a say too.
At this age most nursing strikes are just that – the strikes. They shouldn’t
be interpreted as your baby’s self-weaning. Take every measure to make
breastfeeding attractive again before giving up and giving your baby a bottle.
If your baby stops breastfeeding before the age of one, you will have to start
giving him/her formula. Whole cow’s milk is not recommended for babies under
Are All Strikes Created Equal?
Your baby can go on a nursing strike for various reasons. Check this list:
If your baby is sick, his/her stuffy nose may interfere with the
breastfeeding. Use saline to clear your baby’s nose and try offering breast again.
An earache may get worse when your baby is reclined for a feeding. Watch for
other symptoms of an earache (ear rubbing, fever, fussiness when in horizontal
position). If you suspect an earache take your baby to the doctor.
If your baby has a cold, congestion may get worse when swallowing during
the feeding.
Sore throat may cause your baby’s refusal to nurse.
Gum soreness from teething may interfere with the breastfeeding. Offer a
cooled-down teething ring before the feeding to decrease gum soreness.
Mother’s low milk supply can discourage some picky eaters. Some babies are
very particular about milk flow intensity. Visit Low Milk Supply section to
read more.
Mother’s oversupply or a vigorous let-down may be the culprits. Try pumping
some milk before the feeding, so that when the baby latches the flow is not so
intensive. Visit Oversupply section to read more.
Delayed milk let-down may be making the baby anxious and reluctant to try
again. Hand express or pump some milk before the feeding to stimulate let-down.
If your breast is over-filled with milk, the nipple may flatten, and it may
be difficult for the baby to latch-on. Hand express or pump some milk to
release tension in your breast. Massaging your breast also helps.
Your milk may have a peculiar taste after something you ate. Visit Food
Avoidance section for a list of products to avoid while breastfeeding.
Your breast milk may be causing an allergic reaction in your baby. Visit Allergies section to read more.
Pump some milk and look at its consistency. Does it look different? Some
breast conditions like mastitis or abscess may change milk consistency. It may account
for your baby’s refusal to take the breast.
Your baby’s thrush mouth may keep him/her from breastfeeding. Visit
Yeast Infection section to read more.
Frequent offering of a bottle or a pacifier may cause nipple confusion and
lead to a strike. Visit Nipple Confusion section to read more.
Nursing strike can be due to emotional discomfort or stress. It could be
anything from moving the baby to his/her own room, mother’s long absence,
noise, mother’s new perfume or detergent.
Some babies are very sensitive to even a minor change in their breastfeeding
routine. Are the feedings rushed? Are you nervous? Are you leaving right after
the feeding? Breastfeeding is first of all a means of communicating with you
for your baby and only then - a source of nutrition. Nursing strike can be your
baby’s protest to get your attention and ask for more of mother-baby time.
Try to re-create the pre-strike situation (if possible) and offer breast again.
Your Response to a Strike
While figuring out the exact reason for a nursing strike or if you can’t
find one here is what you need to do:
Hand express or pump your milk to maintain your milk supply and prevent
breast problems.
If your baby is healthy, acting happy and not under-weight a day- or
two-long strike is nothing to worry about. Try giving your baby breast
while he/she is sleeping. Depending on the reason for a strike, the baby may
breastfeed well while asleep.
If the strike continues after a day or two, talk to your baby’s doctor. You
will also need to make sure your baby stays well-nourished. Supplement with
your milk using SNS, finger, dropper, syringe, spoon or cup feeding methods.
Refrain from using bottles!
If using a bottle is absolutely necessary, get a slow flow nipple to make
bottle-feeding a hard work for the baby.
Make breastfeeding interesting. Try a new breastfeeding position.
Breastfeed in a different room. Breastfeed while walking (this one proves to
be extremely effective!).
Don’t be pushy. If refused, don’t offer breast till the next feeding.
Don’t rush. Allow enough time for the feeding. Undress your baby. Let your
skin touch your baby’s skin. Spend time with your baby before and after the
feeding. Carry your baby between the feedings. Somehow your baby lost
confidence in breastfeeding. Do everything to help him/her regain it.
If the nursing strike continues for a week or longer and you are running out
of patience, talk to a lactation consultant. There may be a simple solution to
the problem.
When your baby accepts breast for the first time after the strike, don’t interrupt
the feeding. Let your baby have it his/her way. I believe at that moment all you
will want to do is look at your little one thinking what a blessing a
nursing baby is!
There are many ways to show your love and devotion to your kids and to win
their trust. Breastfeeding is the most natural one.
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